Mat Burn ★DVD★ BD002
¥3,900 税込
柔術愛好家におくる OntheMat video magazine 「Mat Burn」
■Tony Desoza x Homer Moore (トニー・デソウザ vs. ホマー・ムーア)
The classic David vs Golith story.
■Cameron Earle (キャメロン・アール)
Future Ralph Gracie Black Belt Champion on his way up.
■Saulo x Margarida (サウロ・ヒベイロ vs. マルガリーダ)
History in the making at the Mundials.
■Alberto Crane x Shaolin (アルバート・クレーン vs. シャオリン)
New American blood test the water against a legend.
■Gabriel Santos Machado Jiu Jistu (ガブリエル・サントス マチャド柔術)
So much talent, but all wasted.
■Fernando Vasconcelos x Paulo Guilobel (フェルナンド・バスコンセロス vs. パウロ・ギロベル)
So Cal legends through down for bragging rights.
■Ryan Gregg (ライアン・グレッグ)
West Coast warrior bears the Ohio cold and twists pretzels.
■Rodrigo Mediero 201 Masters Mundial (ホドリゴ・メディロス)
So Cal boy goes home to get his Medal.
■Rumina Sato(佐藤ルミナ)
Flying in for his first North American appearance.
■BJJ White Belt vs.Judo Black Belts (BJペンの柔道試合)
On a dare legendary MMA Champion BJ Penn jumps in to a local Black Belt Judo tournment. He didn’t even know the rules.
■Jacare (ジャカレイ)
Before he was world absolute champion he was a brown belt eating his way to the top.
■Junior x Paulinho
In Brazil sometimes the toughest guys don’t even have last names.
■Marc Laimon vs Rutter (マーク・レイモン vs. ルター)
Master Ronin Grappler Marc Laimon taking on all comers
■Jake Sheilds x Jon Fitch (ジェイク・シールズ vs. ジョン・フィッチ)
Two Norcal Heros battle it out.
■Marcelo Garcia (マルセロ・ガウッシア)
at the Coke Classic in Atlanta – The legend in action again.
Brasilian Top Team Legend the turtle
¥3,900 税込