ジョセフ・カピッジ Capizzi Lock ★教則DVD★ NG007
¥3,900 税込
ジョセフ・カピッジによる「Capizzi Lock」教則DVD
前作の「ジョセフ・カピッジ Mastering the Guillotine 教則DVD」も大好評。
「このDVDにはワクワクする。彼のセミナーでは、彼が新しいサブミッションの宝庫を見せてくれたんだけど、ぶっ飛んだ! ベーシックなデモンストレーションからだけで、その後何日も体の節々が痛かったんだ。」
Origins of the Submission Geometry.
Capizzi Lock : Arms to Arm from the Cross Body Kimura Position.
Capizzi Lock : Arms to Arm from the Crucifix Position.
Capizzi Lock : Legs to Arm from the Crucifix Position.
Capizzi Lock : Legs to Leg Countering the Smash Pass Position.
Capizzi Lock : Legs to Leg Defense and how to recycle the Attack
Capizzi Lock : Legs to Leg Defense and how to Guillotine the Ankle
Capizzi Lock : Legs to Leg Attacking the Berimbolo and Back Escapes
How to Control and Fit in the Crucifix Position.
One Handed Choke from the Crucifix Position.
Triangle from the Crucifix Position.
Cow Hand Wrist Lock from the Crucifix Position.
Top Side Omoplata from the Crucifix Position.
Cross Body Crush : Compression Submission.
A-B-C of the Cross Body Position : Attack - Block - Circle
Kimura Physics and Counter Submissions from the Top Half Guard
Rolling Kimura “Rafa Roll” to the Shoulder Hub Position
Rolling Kimura Control Concepts and Timelines of Attack.
The MilaMura : The Aaron Milam Kimura
Kimura Escape and Recovery : Yin Yang Drill.
Recovering Back Position : Stealing the Escape
¥3,900 税込