マルセロ・モンテイロ Side Control Attacks ★教則DVD★ DK012
¥5,600 税込
マルセロ・モンテイロによる「Side Control Attacks」DVD
* Fly attack of the opponent's back from the north south immobilization
* Side control countering opponent's arms and legs then attacking his back
* Sneak attack from side control to knee on the stomach
* Reverse armbar from the knee on the stomack
* Triple attack from the side control
* Underhook scissor control attacking them mount
* Straight armbar stepping against opponents wrist
* Kimura with the legs from the scissor side control
* Overhook side control drill
* Wristlock from the overhook side control
* Overhook side control to straight arm kimura
* Overhook side control to basic kimura stepping over opponents head
* Overhook side control to kimura and armbar
* Overhook side control to Minotauro kimura
* Overhook side control to omoplata with wristlock and choke
* Basic armbar from side control
* Reverse armbar from the side control
¥5,600 税込