
ライアン・ホール Inverted Guard ★教則DVD全3巻セット★ DK006

¥18,900 税込



「Inverted Guard」 DVD全3巻セット




VOLUME 1: Cross Grip Fundamentals

1. Introduction
2. Theory: Points of Control
3. Theory: Limb Structure
4. Theory: Becoming the Ball
5. Theory: Controlling Grips
6. The Granby Roll
7. Walking on the Opponent
8. Basics of Cross Grip
9. Cross Grip Movement
10. Foot fighting
11. Cross Grip Ranges
12. The Roleta
13. Controlling the Heel
14. Hiding Grips
15. Over Gripping
16. Tilt Position: The Triangle
17. Tilt Position: The Drag
18. Defense: Knee over Pass
19. Defense: Knee through Pass
20. Defense: Leg Throw
21. Defense: Standing

VOLUME 2: Cross Grip & Inverting

1. The Tilt Sweep
2. Long range Tilt Sweep
3. Triangle to Tilt Sweep
4. Omoplatato Tilt Sweep
5. Del La Riva to Tilt Sweep
6. Step-over to Side Control
7. Step-over to Guillotine
8. Rolling Back Attack
9. Re-Roll to Omoplata
10. Re-Roll to Triangle
11. Tilt Setup to Triangle
12. Tilt Setup to Triangle/Omoplata
13. Tilt Setup to Waiter Sweep
14. Tilt Setup to Overhead Sweep
15. Tilt Setup to Crawl Behind #1
16. Tilt Setup to Crawl Behind #2
17. Tilt Setup to Spin Behind
18. Tilt Setup to Shaolin Sweep
19. Step-over Omoplata
20. Step-over to Sumi Gaeshi

VOLUME 3: The Inverted Guard

1. Inverted Theory: Threading the Needle
2. Inverted Theory: Spinning on the Back
3. Inverted Theory: The Guard
4. Inverted Theory: Defending Leg Drag Pass
5. Shoulder & Knee Positioning
6. Hand Positioning & Grip Breaking
7. Shin & Foot Positioning
8. Hip & Spine Positioning
9. Inverted Guard Triangle
10. Triangle to Tilt Sweep
11. Reverse Triangle
12. Inverted Guard Omoplata
13. Power Armlock/Arm drag
14. Inverted Guard Sleeve Drag
15. The Helicopter Sweep
16. Foot Scoop through Legs
17. Bump to Double Leg
18. Deep DLR Overhead Sweep


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